The GPA Management takes note of reports online regarding the overflow of water at the entrance of the terminal at the Port in Banjul. It is important to stress that this tide is a natural phenomenon caused by the gravitational forces exerted on the earth by the moon and the sun, though the impact from the moon by far exceeds that of the sun. When the highest level reaches the Coast, it experiences a high tide, which becomes extreme during spring tides. Such spring tides are experienced during new and full moon. It was such a natural phenomenon that Banjul Port and the Ferry terminals have been experiencing the past few days with height of tides reaching 1.8m, thus causing flooding of the Ferry terminal, the North and South terminals of the port. It therefore has nothing to do with any inundation of the terminals, and the water quickly recedes after two hours. We therefore, wish to reassure members of the public that their safety is of utmost importance to us and that efforts are underway to address this situation as soon as possible.
Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause to members of the public using Port and Terminal services